Willow tree 柳树(2.0 m)


A willow tree in a pot typically features slender, arching branches adorned with narrow, lance-shaped leaves. The leaves are light green, with a soft, flowing appearance, creating a graceful and delicate look. The tree’s trunk is often thin and slightly textured, and its roots are contained within a compact pot, which can range from simple ceramic designs to more decorative styles. This potted willow creates a miniature, elegant version of its larger counterpart, often used as an ornamental plant for patios, balconies, or indoor spaces.


1. 柔韧与适应:杨柳枝柔软,象征观音菩萨以柔克刚、因缘化度的智慧。
2. 普度众生:净瓶中的甘露水通过杨柳枝洒向众生,消灾解难、带来清净和福报。

In various religious and spiritual traditions, willow trees hold significant symbolic meaning, and a willow in a pot can represent these ideas on a smaller, more personal scale.

In Christianity, the willow is sometimes associated with humility and resilience, as its branches bend without breaking. A potted willow could symbolize a person’s faith and adaptability in the face of life’s challenges, offering a reminder of spiritual strength and flexibility.

In Buddhism, willows are often linked to compassion and healing. The bodhisattva Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) is sometimes depicted holding a willow branch, symbolizing her ability to heal suffering and purify the spirit. A potted willow can serve as a reminder of these qualities, promoting peace and mindfulness in one’s space.

In Celtic spirituality, willows are connected to intuition, the moon, and water, symbolizing growth, renewal, and the cycles of life. A willow in a pot might be seen as a sacred representation of these natural rhythms, fostering a connection to nature and the divine.

Overall, a potted willow can be a spiritual symbol of adaptability, healing, and connection to deeper, mystical forces, making it a meaningful addition to one’s religious or meditative practices.

Sunlight: Direct or Partial Sunlight

Water: Water when soil feels dry to the touch, do not over-water.

Fertiliser: Keep your plant in top form by feeding it every few weeks with a dilute solution of liquid fertiliser or sprinkling solid fertiliser over the soil.

Plant Size: Approx. 2m to 2.2m (vary in sizes)

Rootball Size: 32cmØ x 25cmH

Pot Type: Plant comes in a brown plastic landscape pot (with drainage holes)

 * Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you're purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.